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OpenFaaS Stack



  • UI 支持
  • 多种编程语言
  • Faas-cli,丰富的 CLI 命令
  • YAML 配置
  • 按需自动伸缩
  • 函数商店
  • 另外:支持 CRD

如今看来,这些 hightlights 其实是 serverless 框架的标配。但其架构,也值得研究。

OpenFaaS Architecture



  • Hello-world.

  • 看一下 templates 里的 Dockerfile




  • 为函数调用提供路由,起到一个基础转发的功能
  • Promethus 收集监控指标
  • 接受AlterManager通知,自动扩缩容
  • 内置 UI 界面



  • 用户通过 faas-cli、UI 或 REST API 请求访问 Gateway网关;
  • /function/请求会被转发到 Provider,Provider 调用函数(通过Watchdog调用 forked process);
  • Prometheus 通过 /metrics 收集监控数据;
  • AlertManager 根据设置的报警规则,通知 Gateway /system/alert自动扩缩容。


  • 提供函数的 CRUD API 能力
  • 提供函数的 invoke 能力
  • 设置/获取函数副本数

Conceptual diagram


  • 集成到每个容器,responsible for starting and monitoring functions in OpenFaaS.

  • Classic Watchdog,如下,每个请求都会fork一个函数进程执行。


  • 新的 of-watchdog 项目,性能更高,默认http。


  • 有点像数据库连接池概念,The primary difference is the ability to keep the function process warm between invocations。ame process can be re-used repeatedly to offset the latency of forking.

Queue-Worker & NATS

  • Queue-worker 组件提供消息队列服务,用于异步地处理事件。

  • nats是一个开源的,云原生的消息系统。使程序可以轻松地跨不同环境,语言,云提供商和内部部署系统进行通信。

Promethus & AlertManager & Faas-idler

  • Promethus 收集监控指标;

  • 接受AlterManager通知,自动扩缩容。

  • Faas-idler: 监控Prometheus 指标,决定是否一个函数可以被 scaled to zero.

Gateway 源码分析


1. ReadConfig (读取环境配置信息)
2. BasicAuthCredentials (基本的身份认证)

3. MakeForwardingProxyHandler (和函数相关的代理转发,net/http上抽象了一层) 
   - List: faasHandlers.ListFunctions
   - Deploy: faasHandlers.DeployFunction
   - Delete: faasHandlers.DeleteFunction
   - Update: faasHandlers.UpdateFunction 
   - Query: faasHandlers.QueryFunction
   - Info:faasHandlers.InfoHandler
   - Secret:faasHandlers.SecretHandler
   - Namespace: faasHandlers.NamespaceListerHandler
4. if ScaleFromZero : NewFunctionCache (参考 [zero-scale]( 

5. If UseNATS : CreateNATSQueue (异步函数启用NATS,消息发布者角色)

6. NewPrometheusQuery(设置Prometheus监控)

7. Scale:faasHandlers.ScaleFunction(设置自动扩缩容)

8. mux.NewRouter()(注册各种路由)
9. go runMetricsServer()(启动Prometheus指标收集)
10. &http.Server{} => ListenAndServe (启动服务)
  • 可见,Gateway 是 OpenFaaS 最重要的一个组件。整个项目的基本脉络都在这个组件中,主要就是代理转发。


The zero-scale code for OpenFaaS is implemented in the gateway component. From 0.8.9 the OpenFaaS gateway maintains a cache of all “ready” functions which is refreshed regularly. When a call comes in for a function that has been idled, it is looked up in the map and finds “0” ready replicas. At that point a scaling command will be issued via the REST API and the request will be blocked until the cache of ready functions shows at least one replica has passed its healthcheck and is online for traffic. Then the request is allowed to proceed through.

Provider 源码分析

  • serve.go
1) r = mux.NewRouter() 注册各种路由

2) Serve
  2.1) if EnableBasicAuth: handlers.FunctionReader = auth.DecorateWithBasicAuth (鉴权) 

  2.2) r.HandleFunc("/system/***")  (处理 HTTP 请求等路由)

3) ListenAndServe()
  • types/serve.go
type FaaSHandlers struct {
    // FunctionProxy provides the function invocation proxy logic.  Use proxy.NewHandlerFunc to
    // use the standard OpenFaaS proxy implementation or provide completely custom proxy logic.
    FunctionProxy http.HandlerFunc

    FunctionReader http.HandlerFunc
    DeployHandler  http.HandlerFunc

    DeleteHandler  http.HandlerFunc
    ReplicaReader  http.HandlerFunc
    ReplicaUpdater http.HandlerFunc
    SecretHandler  http.HandlerFunc
    // LogHandler provides streaming json logs of functions
    LogHandler http.HandlerFunc

    // UpdateHandler an existing function/service
    UpdateHandler http.HandlerFunc
    // HealthHandler defines the default health endpoint bound to "/healthz
    // If the handler is not set, then the "/healthz" path will not be configured
    HealthHandler        http.HandlerFunc
    InfoHandler          http.HandlerFunc
    ListNamespaceHandler http.HandlerFunc
  • 声明各种 handler 的接口,实现该接口的平台(kubernetes or DockerSwarm)都具备了FaaS Provider 的能力。

  • proxy/proxy.go

// proxyRequest 处理调用函数服务的实际请求
func proxyRequest(...) {
    proxyReq = buildProxyRequest(originalReq, functionAddr, pathVars["params"])

// 拼装 Watchdog 的 Url,并代理过去
func buildProxyRequest(...) {
    f baseURL.Port() == "" {
        host = baseURL.Host + ":" + watchdogPort

    url := url.URL{
        Scheme:   baseURL.Scheme,
        Host:     host,
        Path:     extraPath,
        RawQuery: originalReq.URL.RawQuery,

    upstreamReq, err := http.NewRequest(originalReq.Method, url.String(), nil)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return upstreamReq

  • main.go
main() {
    if !operator {
        runController(kubeconfig, masterURL) // 运行 k8s 的核心控制器
    } else {
        runOperator(kubeconfig, masterURL) // 操作 k8s 的CRD 资源,新增能力
// masterURL: address of the Kubernetes API server
// operator:Use the operator mode instead of faas-netes

The faas-netes controller for OpenFaaS is the most mature, well tested and supported. You may also use the OpenFaaS Operator if you would like to use a Function CRD. If you are not sure which to use, then use faas-netes.

See also: faas-netes, openfaas-operator.

func runController(kubeconfig, masterURL string) {
    // 1. k8s namespace
    functionNamespace := "default"

    // 2. 获取 k8s, 探针,镜像拉取策略等配置信息
    deployConfig := k8s.DeploymentConfig{}

    // 3. k8s 客户端
    factory := k8s.NewFunctionFactory(clientset, deployConfig)

    // 4. 核心: k8s 操作句柄
    bootstrapHandlers := providertypes.FaaSHandlers{
            FunctionProxy:        proxy.NewHandlerFunc(cfg.FaaSConfig, functionLookup),
      DeleteHandler:        handlers.MakeDeleteHandler(functionNamespace, clientset),
      DeployHandler:        handlers.MakeDeployHandler(functionNamespace, factory),
      FunctionReader:       handlers.MakeFunctionReader(functionNamespace, clientset),
      ReplicaReader:        handlers.MakeReplicaReader(functionNamespace, clientset),
      ReplicaUpdater:       handlers.MakeReplicaUpdater(functionNamespace, clientset),
      UpdateHandler:        handlers.MakeUpdateHandler(functionNamespace, factory),
      HealthHandler:        handlers.MakeHealthHandler(),
      InfoHandler:          handlers.MakeInfoHandler(version.BuildVersion(), version.GitCommit),
      SecretHandler:        handlers.MakeSecretHandler(functionNamespace, clientset),
      LogHandler:           logs.NewLogHandlerFunc(k8s.NewLogRequestor(clientset, functionNamespace), cfg.FaaSConfig.WriteTimeout),
      ListNamespaceHandler: handlers.MakeNamespacesLister(functionNamespace, clientset),

    // 5. 运行服务器
    faasProvider.Serve(&bootstrapHandlers, &cfg.FaaSConfig)
  • handlers/delete.go
// 返回 delete handler
func MakeDeleteHandler() {
    return func{
            // ...
    deployment, findDeployErr := clientset.AppsV1().
      Get(request.FunctionName, getOpts)
    if isFunction(deployment) {
        err := deleteFunction(lookupNamespace, clientset, request, w)
    // ...  

// 执行删除
func deleteFunction(..., clientset *kubernetes.Clientset, ...) {
    // 删除 deploy
        Delete(request.FunctionName, opts)

    // 删除 service
        Delete(request.FunctionName, opts); 
  • handles/replica.go
// 调用 Kubernetes API 进行的扩缩容,代码都差不多,不再赘述

因此,provider 做了两件事,

  1. 代理转发请求到 watchdog
  2. 操作 Kubernetes

Watchdog 源码分析

  • watchdog/main.go
func main() {
    // 1. 读取配置
    readConfig := ReadConfig{}
    config := readConfig.Read(osEnv)

    // 2. 处理请求
    http.HandleFunc("/_/health", makeHealthHandler())
    // 核心 makeRequestHandler
    http.HandleFunc("/", metrics.InstrumentHandler(makeRequestHandler(&config), httpMetrics))

    // 3. Promethus 服务
    go metricsServer.Serve(cancel)

    // 4. 函数服务
    listenUntilShutdown(shutdownTimeout, s, config.suppressLock)

// listen for HTTP 直到听到信号 SIGTERM 且等待超时后
func listenUntilShutdown() {
    // Run the HTTP server in a separate go-routine.
    go func() {
        if err := s.ListenAndServe(); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
            log.Printf("Error ListenAndServe: %v", err)
  • watchdog/handler.go
// 处理 Http 请求
func makeRequestHandler(config *WatchdogConfig) http.HandlerFunc {
    switch r.Method {
            pipeRequest(config, w, r, r.Method)

// 核心:pipeRequest 
// 为每个请求 Fork 一个 fprocess
func pipeRequest() {
    // ...
    parts := strings.Split(config.faasProcess, " ") // faasProcess: "node index.js"
    // ...
    targetCmd := exec.Command(parts[0], parts[1:]...) // 执行函数
    // ...
    requestBody, buildInputErr = buildFunctionInput(config, r)
    // ...

// 格式化输入
buildFunctionInput(config *WatchdogConfig, r *http.Request) {
    return res, err
  • watchdog/readconfig.go
func (ReadConfig) Read(hasEnv HasEnv) WatchdogConfig {
    // ... 
    cfg.faasProcess = hasEnv.Getenv("fprocess")
    // ... 


  • 通过 faas-cli 如何维护一个 Serveless 应用
  • 看 Templetes 的 Dockerfile 知道这个镜像是怎么构建
  • 读源码知道 openFaas 都做了什么,如何使用 kubernets 的能力
  • 此外,读内置UI 源码可定制化及开发公司UI及内部商店等。

Landscape 2.0
